kvh Leanne Stewart Chief Executive 2024 POLICIES AND REPORTS Annual Updates

mihoutao 2024 年 9 月 23 日01:55:46評論0 views閱讀模式

Kiwifruit Vine Health kvh Leanne Stewart Chief Executive

▲Kiwifruit Vine Health kvh Leanne Stewart Chief Executive

kvh Leanne Stewart Chief Executive 2024 POLICIES AND REPORTS Annual Updates


Looking back over the past year, KVH has achieved many things, not least a successful inaugural Biosecurity Symposium.
Held in August 2023, the aim of creating the event was to showcase how far we’ve come (as an organisation and industry) in our biosecurity practices, reparedness, and adaptability to changes in risk. We also wanted to create an environment of shared biosecurity experience and knowledge, so that we all continue to raise the biosecurity bar and ensure our ontinued resilience to pest and disease threats.
As the Board Chair notes, the Symposium included a response simulation (read more on page 10). The practicalities of a response - real or as part of a training exercise - is something I want to highlight, because this is the level of readiness that we need to successfully meet our response goals if we are ever faced with a major incursion.
We have had a big focus at KVH, and through our KiwiNet network of champions, on building capability and ensuring the kiwifruit industry is ready to respond if needs be. This means getting down to such practical elements as training, practicing, writing plans, creating templates, arranging logistics, having the right tools and software. All things that enable us to effectively initiate support activities for growers and get it right, from the start.
The same model for biosecurity readiness and response is what KVH will use if we are facing a significant adverse event that severely impacts vine health, under our expanded mandate of managing the industry’s Emergency Response Management framework. You can read about this in detail on page 13, including work that has been underway to prepare for events and response training across the wider industry.
KVH’s new role in this space is backed by industry and facilitates a more co-ordinated and cohesive approach to supporting growers in times of need.
As you’ll see throughout this year’s Annual Update it isn’t only at such times that we are directly undertaking engagement with growers. It’s all the time, and it’s fundamental to what we do. Feeding back information directly to growers at events and workshops has proven yet again over the last year to be a popular and preferred method for us to interact and share everything from details about the work we’re currently doing and what’s coming up; to orchard visits and demonstrations of unusual symptoms, sampling, and monitoring; to
distributing brand new KVH-produced education resources; to latest research findings and how this might help on-orchard practices, as we did alongside Plant & Food Research in northland (page 23).
Collaboration with such research partners, and others, is something covered a lot in this year’s update. The Government Industry Agreement for Biosecurity Readiness and Response (GIA), mentioned by the Board Chair, continues to be key to our preparedness efforts.
The partnership celebrated it’s 10-year anniversary in May 2024, providing us a fitting opportunity to reflect. KVH was the first industry partner to sign up to the GIA Deed, signalling our intent to work constructively with others for the benefit of our growers – and we have proven that intent (and beyond) with a successful decade of advocating for our growers and industry and having direct influence on decisions that are made in relation to prevention and management of pests and diseases that can have a devastating effect on our orchards.
I was in Australia in May at the Plant Health Australia annual meetings with other New Zealand government and industry representatives to learn how the Australians work together under their collaborative partnership to prepare for and respond to biosecurity threats.
There are some similarities between our GIA and the Australian model, but also ways we differ to meet our individual country needs. The insights from this visit will be helpful to shape the future of the New Zealand GIA partnership, which I have full confidence will continue to be successful in delivering better response outcomes for growers.
You can read more about GIA and the operational agreements KVH has been actively involved in on behalf of the kiwifruit and kiwiberry industries on page 15.
Early and proactive involvement in GIA and operational agreement development processes has meant that equitable cost share agreements have been able to be established. Fiscally responsible, and beneficial use of grower levies – that deliver positive and better outcomes for growers – is inherent in our strategy and operations.
This financial year (2023/24) the KVH Board and team of staff have made savings that we are happy to say have left us in a better place than what could have been, without such strong commitment. Overall, KVH was able to save $280k on expenditure last year through careful financial management, while ensuring we still provided a high level of biosecurity support to the kiwifruit industry.
I’m sure you will enjoy the Annual Update and thank you for continued support of KVH, and our activities. A big thanks in particular to all those we regularly work alongside, including our peers at Zespri and NZKGI.
Lastly, to the KVH Board and team, thank you for another successful and productive year of supporting New Zealand kiwifruit growers and industry to protect themselves from biosecurity threats.



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